December 04, 2005

Jonathan Goldstein's Old Testament

Lately I have been obsessed with Jonathan Goldstein's(of This American Life) reinterpretations of biblical stories. Eventually a "Bible" penned completely by Goldstein will be released. He contemporizes(a word?) not the circumstances of the characters, but their emotions. It makes for some pretty interesting results. Note: these are links to full episodes with other stories...

Cain and Abel story is Act 1

Adam and Eve story is Act 3 (well worth the wait, its a great story and episode)

Joseph This is a flash animation of the story, which kind of ruins some of the more serious aspects of the stories. I recomend hiding the movie and just listening.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger Christopher David Taylor said...

Thanks for collecting and posting these! Since David Plotz started Blogging the Bible over at Slate, I've recently been on a Goldstein bend, hoping to find written transcriptions of his old testament work. Instead, I found Lenny Bruce is Dead online:

If you find any of the old testament stories' texts online, please let me know.

By the way, your Adam and Eve link leads to the Brother's Keeper show. Here's the Starting From Scratch show:


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