October 31, 2005

Lego Serious Play

Why does play work?

* Play is special: if it's routine it's not play.
* Play is voluntary: it can't be coerced or mandated.
* Play is imaginative: you can suspend the rules of the real world.
* Play isn't explicitly productive: direct consequences don't matter.
* Play is unlimited and delimited: play exists for its own sake and is different from work.
* Play happens at an agreed upon location: but it can be anywhere.
* Play has its own rules: it is not constrained by the rules of work


At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jake! have heard through scholastic grapevine you're well. hoping so. i kept meaning to be in touch, have just now bitten bullet after remembering this place of yours. write back: katelundell@gmail.com
would love to hear about the afterlife and all the discoveries being made, just and unjust. fast to sleep now--promise more words in future. be good. kate

ps, sorry not actually commenting on playful, serious legos

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there Jake, I was just traveling through looking for some interesting stuff on abstract art and I came upon your Blog. I haven’t seen what I was after regarding Lego Serious Play, but I’m going to carry on searching for more information on abstract art related stuff. By the way your Blogs great. You are most welcomed to visit my site at abstract art

At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there Jake, I was just traveling through looking for some interesting stuff on religious art and I came upon your Blog. I haven’t seen what I was after regarding Lego Serious Play, but I’m going to carry on searching for more information on religious art related stuff. By the way your Blogs great. You are most welcomed to visit my site at religious art

At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jake I’ve been looking for art and craft related blogs and I came across yours on Lego Serious Play during my trawl, so I thought it would be polite to let you know about my visit. I have just recently started a daily news feed on my own site and you are most welcome to come and visit me at art and craft.


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