The Wurst of The Wurst
The Wurst is an online gallery that is getting tons of press, and rightfully so, for their fun and beautiful arts.---From Russia With Love: "Each artist was sent a blank set of Russian nesting dolls, and this is what happened."
My favorite was this onion inspired set
---Dishwasher Safe: "Each artist was sent 4 round pieces of paper that they could only use markers on, the pieces of paper were then processed into a 1 of a kind set of 4 plastic plates."
Personal set highlight was Slow Lori, and that there was also Make Your Own
---Vintage Vandals: "Each artist was asked to find a framed piece of artwork at their local thrift store and manipulate it into a piece of their own"
I like this one's ghostbusters style
The best thing about The Wurst may not be the art though. The site subtly serves as a link archive to tons of interesting things around the world and internet. Each artist interview is riddled with fascinating little links that you can easily get lost in.
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