Music Animation Machine
"...The Music Animation Machine display is a score without any measures or clefs, in which information about the music's structure is conveyed with bars of color representing the notes. These bars scroll across the screen as the music plays. Their position on the screen tells you their pitch and their timing in relation to each other. Different colors denote different instruments or voices, thematic material, or tonality. And each note lights up at the exact moment it sounds, so you can't lose your place..."These videos are a stunning contrast to what music visualization has come to mean in the dawn of Winamp and Windows media style psychedelic representations. Not that those aren't amazing, but there is something ultimatly more satisfying about actually being able to read the structure of music is the way shown here. It is the architecture of momentary sounds, and in this you can really see the brillance of their construction, much in the same way as the Coltrane skyscraper.
via Tom Dukitch's links
yeah, but that's not as cool as having a jake sollins tattoo on your shoulder.
But you can have both!
(Jake, please drop me a note.)
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