August 18, 2005

Pierre Bezier

said this...

"Which are the parts played by experience, theory and imagination in the creation of a system? There is no definite answer to such a query. The importance of experience and of theoretical knowledge is not always clearly perceived; imagination seems a gift, a godsend or the result of a beneficial heredity; but is imagination not, in fact, the result of the maturation of knowledge gained during education and professional practice? Is it not born from facts apparently forgotten, stored in a distant part of the memory, and suddenly remembered when circumstances call them back? Is imagination not based partly on the ability to connect notions which, at first sight, look quite unrelated, such as mechanics, electronics, optics, foundry and data processing? Is it not the ability to catch barely seen analogies – as Alice in Wonderland did, to go "through the mirror"?

Will psychologists someday be able to detect in man such a gift that will be applicable to science and technology? Is it related to the sense of humor that can detect unexpected relationships between facts that look quite unconnected? Shall we learn how to develop it? Will it forever remain a gift, devoted by pure chance to some people while for others carefulness prevails?"


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